Three Signs That You Need Damp Proofing In Brentwood


Windows, ventilation, central heating, humidifiers and dehumidifiers. It’s easy to become confused by the number of factors that impact our lives throughout the winter.

While central heating dries out the air in your rooms, it can still not stop the development of damp and mould. To reduce the impact of these factors and to find out how your property can dispel the danger of damp and mould, choose a professional team.

Our damp proofing services in Brentwood have helped numerous homeowners to decrease the chance of damp developing and becoming a problem.

To help you understand how damp can generate and develop, here are three signs that you should call Damp & Mould Control Essex:

1. Discoloured wallpaper and surfaces: Fractured wallpapers and discolouration of your walls are big signs that you need to seek damp proofing in Brentwood.

2. A damp or musty smell: If you come back into your property and smell damp, it’s vital that you seek expert help. It’s not always the development of damp, but it can develop into a greater problem.

3. Mould or mildew developing on windowsills: As the main point of contact between the cold air outside and your warm interiors, mould will often be the first sign that damp could soon become a problem.

If you would like to get help for these and any other issues pertaining to damp, speak with us today.


Check out our previous article here.