Damp Proofing Solutions For Home


Considering damp proofing your home?

A damp proofing survey is an essential part of maintaining a property, especially in areas where damp and moisture are common issues. Damp can cause significant damage to the structure of a building, as well as health problems for the inhabitants, so a survey can make the world of difference. 

Here are some points to consider when you’re thinking about damp proofing your home:

Identify existing damp - A damp proofing survey can identify existing damp and moisture issues in a property such as rising damp, penetrating damp and condensation. 

Protect property value - Damp can cause significant damage to a property which can lead to a decrease in value. A damp proofing survey can help identify and treat damp issues before they cause irreversible damage, helping to maintain the value of the property.

Improve health - Damp can cause health problems including respiratory issues and allergies. A damp proofing survey can help identify and treat damp issues to improve the health of the inhabitants of the property.

Prevent future damp - A damp proofing survey can identify areas of a property that are at risk of damp in the future. This can include areas with poor ventilation, inadequate drainage or structural defects. By identifying these issues early, preventative measures can be taken to reduce the risk of future damp.

Reduce energy costs - Damp can lead to higher energy costs as the heating system has to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. By treating damp issues, energy costs can be reduced, leading to lower energy bills.

Contact us today

Get in contact with us on 01371 395 951 or submit an enquiry, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Check out our previous article here.